New Spanish Edition of Duckworth!
23 Jun 2020 Leave a Comment
in Books, Duckworth, Writing Tags: Atticus el Chico Dificil, Children's Literature, Dark Humor, Duckworth, Duckworth the Difficult Child, Editorial Impedimenta, Funny Picture Books, Julia Sarda, kidlit blog, Picture Book, Spanish, Spanish Literature
A Madrid-based publisher, Editorial Impedimenta, has released the Spanish edition of my recent picture book—Duckworth, the Difficult Child—illustrated by the illustrious Júlia Sardà of Barcelona. It arrives with a new title—Atticus, el Chico Difícil—but remains the darkly humorous story of a resourceful boy coping with neglectful parents who fail to listen or respond to his needs. I’m honored to be published by Editorial Impedimenta, an independent publisher that aspires to promote “modern classics.”
Duckworth Has Arrived!
18 Jun 2019 Leave a Comment
in Books, Duckworth, General, Writing Tags: book bloggers, Book Launch, Children's Literature, Duckworth, Duckworth the Difficult Child, Funny Picture Books, kidlit blog, Picture Book

At long last, my new picture book—Duckworth, the Difficult Child—hits the shelves today. With spectacular illustrations created by Júlia Sardà, I think both kids and parents will love this story.
Special thanks to Emma Ledbetter, my extraordinary editor, and to Stephanie Fretwell-Hill, my excellent agent. I’d also like to thank Harold Underdown and Karl Monger, who were invaluable as early editors of the manuscript.
From the Booklist review:
“What first appears to be a Goreyesque cautionary tale for troublesome children comically turns the tables to target inept parents instead. … Sardà plays up the story’s situational humor in her detailed, vintage-toned watercolors, ensuring that kids get the joke that the parents are the difficult ones, not Duckworth. A lightly macabre, utterly amusing read.” i
13 Oct 2018 Leave a Comment
in Books, Duckworth Tags: Book Cover, Children's Literature, Cover Reveal, Duckworth, Duckworth the Difficult Child, Funny Picture Books, Julia Sarda, Michael Sussman, Picture Book
Cover Reveal!
Here’s the brilliant cover for my new picture book–DUCKWORTH, THE DIFFICULT CHILD–to be published in June by Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. My illustrator, Júlia Sardà Portabella, is based in Barcelona and has done an astounding job on the artwork. Thanks also to art director extraordinaire, Sonia Chaghatzbanian, and my fantabulous editor, Emma Ledbetter!
Duckworth’s parents think he is a difficult child, so when a snake slides right up and swallows him whole, his parents don’t believe him! What’s poor Duckworth to do?
DUCKWORTH, THE DIFFICULT CHILD is available for pre-order at Amazon.
INCOGNOLIO Wins 2nd Prize in SPR Book Awards 2017
29 Mar 2018 Leave a Comment
in Books, Incognolio, Writing Tags: Book Award, INCOGNOLIO, Mystery, Novel, Psychological Thriller, Self-Publishing Review
My psychological thriller, INCOGNOLIO, was just awarded Second Prize in the SPR Book Awards 2017, sponsored by Self-Publishing Review. Among other benefits, Second Prize includes a virtual book tour, ten+ Amazon reviews, and an author interview shared with nearly a quarter million readers. Pretty cool!
Incognolio Has Launched!
15 Aug 2017 Leave a Comment
in Books, Incognolio, Writing Tags: Book Launch, Janx Press, Michael Sussman, Mystery, Novel, Psychological Thriller
I’m beyond thrilled to announce that my novel, Incognolio, has launched and is now available as a paperback and eBook. For four years I poured my heart, soul, wit, and considerable bile into this book and I can assure you that it is unlike any novel you’ve ever read. For the launch, the eBook is priced at 99 cents and is free to those enrolled in Kindle Unlimited.
So far, Incognolio has received exclusively 5-star reviews at Amazon & Goodreads! I’m also giving away five copies of the paperback in a Goodreads giveaway running through August 18th.
I call Incognolio a psychological thriller. But it’s also a comic novel with elements of mystery, fantasy, and science fiction. Most importantly, it’s a real page-turner! And as Professor Solomon Von Pizzle of the Ludicrous Review observed: “Incognolio exudes so much pathos, it’s pathological!”
Special thanks to Karl Monger, Rebecca Faith, and Sione Aeschliman for their invaluable assistance in editing my manuscript and bringing the story to fruition. Sione understood the novel way better than I did myself—having written most of it in something of a trance—and enabled me to do a final rewrite and to, at long last, craft a satisfying ending.
I also want to thank my son Ollie who served as my creative consultant, contributing some inspired ideas, rejecting my duds, and helping me to generate a long list of unusual character names, including: Yiddle, Mr. & Mrs. Yankerhausen, Floreska, Greazly, J.R. Cosmipolitano, Quodon, and the inimitable Dr. Schmendrick.
Launching 30-Day Kindle Scout Campaign!
31 Mar 2017 Leave a Comment
in Books, Incognolio, Uncategorized, Writing Tags: Amazon, Contest, Free Book, INCOGNOLIO, Kindle Scout, Novel, Publishing Contract
Unravel the mystery of Incognolio or go mad!
My novel, INCOGNOLIO, was accepted for the Kindle Scout contest and I’m launching a 30-day campaign as of today. Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books.
Here’s how it works:
Readers browse book campaigns by authors and nominate books that they would like to see published by Kindle Press. Amazon takes note of which books readers want and awards contracts accordingly.
What I need from you:
Join Kindle Scout through your Amazon account and nominate INCOGNOLIO. It will take just a couple of minutes!
What I will get:
A boost toward winning a publishing contract and Amazon promotion!
What you will get:
You will receive a free copy of any book that you nominate that receives a contract, including mine if I’m successful. You can also read the first several chapters of my novel right now!
Here’s my blurb:
Adrift in the dreamlike narrative of his own novel, Muldoon traverses identities, planes of reality, and the dark recesses of his psyche in an effort to grasp the enigmatic Incognolio. Is he writing a story in which his stillborn twin sister has come to life, or is he the one who died at birth and it’s his sister who’s writing the novel? Guided only by the whims and dictates of his subconscious mind, Muldoon must finally face his demons and write his way to freedom or succumb to madness.
Cover Reveal for INCOGNOLIO
29 Mar 2017 Leave a Comment
in Books, Incognolio, Writing Tags: 99Designs, Book Cover, Cover Reveal, Graphic Design, INCOGNOLIO, Kindle Scout, Menchu, Novel
I could not be more pleased with this newly minted cover for my novel, INCOGNOLO. It was created by Menchu, a fabulous graphic designer from Venezuela. She was the winning finalist of a book cover contest I ran last week at 99Designs, and she captured the air of mystery and intrigue that I was looking for. The novel has just been accepted by Kindle Scout for inclusion in their reader-powered contest to win a publishing contract. The launch date for my campaign is March 31st, the day after tomorrow!
Atheneum to Publish My New Picture Book: Duckworth, the Difficult Child
28 Feb 2017 2 Comments
in Books, General, Uncategorized, Writing Tags: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Book Deal, Children's Literature, Duckworth, Edward Gorey, Emma Ledbetter, Florence Heide Parry, Funny Picture Books, Harold Underdown, Julia Sarda, Karl Monger, Michael Sussman, Otto Grows Down, Picture Book, Scott Magoon, Stephanie Fretwell-Hill, the Difficult Child, The Shrinking of Treehorn, The Treehorn Trilogy
I haven’t posted for quite some time, as I’ve been hard at work on a novel. But I’m back with three exciting announcements:
- I am now represented by Stephanie Fretwell-Hill of Red Fox Literary.
- Stephanie has sold my new picture book manuscript—Duckworth, The Difficult Child—to Emma Ledbetter, Editor at Atheneum Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
- The book will be illustrated by Júlia Sardà , a fabulous illustrator based in Barcelona.
The story, my homage to Florence Parry Heide’s The Shrinking of Treehorn, is about a boy with misguided parents who remain untroubled when he gets eaten by a snake.
This is my first picture book to be published since my debut—Otto Grows Down—was released by Sterling with illustrations by Scott Magoon.
Special thanks to Harold Underdown and Karl Monger—as well as Emma Ledbetter at Atheneum—for their expertise in editing the manuscript.
The Monstore: Debut Picture Book by Tara Lazar
04 Jul 2013 2 Comments
in Books Tags: James Burks, Monsters, Picture Book, Tara Lazar, Writing for Kids While Raising Them
Tara Lazar is an amazing woman with an amazing name that just sounds like the moniker of a children’s author. She is also a wonderful mother to two adorable daughters, a blogger extraordinaire, and a tireless advocate and promoter of picture book authors and illustrators. Her annual writing challenge, PiBoIdMo (Picture Book Idea Month)—hosted on her website each November since 2008—has inspired hundreds of folks to stretch their imaginations and brainstorm picture book ideas, some of which have been developed into manuscripts that went on to be published.
Well, I’m thrilled to announce that Tara’s debut picture book—The Monstore—has just been released by Aladdin, and it’s a doozy!
The Monstore is the kind of story that kids will want to read over and over again, and the delightful illustrations by James Burks ensure that parents will also enjoy repeated readings.
Underneath a trap door at the back of Frankensweet’s Candy Shoppe is the Monstore, catering to all your monsterly needs. Zack is in need of a monster to scare off his pesky little sister, Gracie, who ignores the “Keep Out!” sign on his bedroom door. But the plan backfires, and unable to return his monster—the store policy is “No Returns, No Exchanges, No Exceptions”—Zack soon has a houseful of goofy-looking beasties who turn against him, teaming up with Gracie to frighten Zack. Ultimately Zack proves he can be a good older brother, but it’s Gracie who steals the story and comes up with a clever resolution.
A great story coupled with brilliant illustrations adds up to a superb picture book that is sure to be a bedtime favorite. Check it out!
The Monstore
Story by Tara Lazar
Illustrations by James Burks
Aladdin, 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1442420175
Available at:
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